Our Process

What makes our work stand out is not only the fire protection we provide but also how we operate. Our process is thorough and provides clear visibility to clients and all relevant parties throughout. For every project, we follow the same step-by-step process, using the latest technology and our Bolster app.






All fire departments, such as fire walls etc. are inspected for integrity and areas which require attention are identified.

Locate, Capture & Tag

All drawings for the building are uploaded to the app, enabling inspectors and installers to drop location pins that highlight the exact areas where this is an issue or work planned.


The app also allows us to document all aspects of an inspection, pin-by-pin and provide information on what needs to be done. When the inspection or survey is completed, a full report is generated and made available online.


Thanks to all these steps, projects are made easily manageable through one app. Clients are also able to keep track of all inspection, survey and remedial works as they are being carried out and see exact progress.